
Monday, 30 July 2012

Giant Hadron & Hobby Update

Blue repainted to turquoise
I have not painted much at all in recent months. There have been a few distractions, some good and some that are just time-draining and ultimately have not served much purpose except distraction itself, so consequently it is time for me to re-focus.

In the column marked 'Good Distractions' has been working with Maciej and Devon to develop Pulp City Supreme Edition. We have over-hauled the game engine to hopefully open up what can be done with the game. This has been time intensive to say the least and has probably occupied hundreds of hours for each of us: of individual writing; revisions; and then group debate via email and Skype. More on that when I can.

Also the new Pulp City website is near to arriving. It will be different, it is different to the old site, but has the advantage that the Pulp City Team can easily edit and add content, something that was not easily done previously. Already new fluff is uploaded and there is more to come.

Old blue colour
Okay back to my hobby stuff. My Hadrons just have not been finished. The latest drag besides loss of time to other stuff, is that I was struggling with the blue areas, especially on the large version. So I resolved that the next Pulp City minis I complete has to be this set, and to that end I have over-painted the blue with turquoise which has had a first rough highlight and already I am happier. Hopefully these will get done!

Wednesday, 18 July 2012


A new 'welcome' post, and one that is overdue for a while; so a hearty 'welcome aboard' to lamby23, and apologies for the tardiness of the welcome! I honestly appreciate anyone taking the time to sign up or visit the blog, so a big thanks you for doing so, and of course everyone gets a shout out when the do sign up.

So what have I been up to that is keeping me so busy? Well writing for one, and some gaming.

My involvement with Pulp City is as passionate as ever, but the funny thing is, that the deeper my involvement, the less public that involvement appears.

I first happened on Pulp City via its Forum back in 2007. Then I drifted away, to return when the line had grown - and when I returned it transformed my approach to the minis hobby; my painting, my modelling, basing, all of it. And bit by bit I went from fan to play-tester to where I am now, which has seen me working with Maciej (the game's originator) and Devon (dedicated gamer, fellow Pulp City fan, and author of the forthcoming Monsters rules which will be a free pdf at some point) and Melvin (artist and graphic designer), in developing the rules to be hopefully faster, better, more fun and less arcane as skirmish games can often unintentionally become. Rob and I have a few play-test games under our belts, and even getting to grips with changes we found it to be much faster and smoother playing, for reasons which will become clear in time.

The point I guess is that the blog has been around during my journey from committed fan (or at least Rob thinks I should be committed, to an appropriate institution!) to someone helping develop my favourite game. The Pulp Citizen blog will be staying around, but I just wanted to explain why things have been a little quite. My fervour has not dampened, but my energies have been directed into specific areas. Once the next stage of the overhaul is complete, I hope to get back to minis painting and Battle Reports with gusto. Stay tuned!