
Saturday, 28 January 2017


Feartigo is my second Pulp City mini of the year, making for a better start than 2016 (although I had a very good February).

I got inspired to do him when I saw someone else had painted theirs up, helping motivate me. As I had a few days off work (a lot spent assembling terrain), I felt confident I would get him finished without him falling into 'painting queue limbo', and thankfully that proved accurate. With all the browns he was going to have I thought the purple/magenta trousers would make a nice counterpoint while sticking with my colour vocabulary for Villains.

In terms of game-play, Feartigo straddles two Factions, as a Necroplane agent who has infiltrated the Coven ranks through subterfuge, secretly serving Dr. Tenebrous, but whose loyalties may be uncertain for either side. Painting him adds my first new Coven in fifteen months, and my first new Necroplane in three and half years! At least one of those Teams needs to make it to the table this year I think.

Feartigo is a Blaster with added durability, whose Actions all work against Spirit (ideal against A.R.C. or Heavy Metal). His added durablity is due to the fact that he has two defensive Trumps, adds +1 die to Defend when Attacked out of Base to Base, and because he also Damages Attackers who Damage him with Mind or Spirit Actions. Basically, as an overall package he can be a nasty surprise for an unwary opponent, especially as his main Attack will typically generate 4 dice against Living Targets.

Villain, Blaster, Level 2, Mystery
30 mm

Thursday, 26 January 2017

Grimm Lee Chan

Grimm Lee Chan is my first painted Pulp City mini of 2017, and that means I am happy to have made a start right at the beginning of the year. Even better is the fact he has been hanging around the painting queue for a few months and is now done. I actually finished him a week or so ago, but was waiting to be able to spray varnish him.

The jumpsuit is a colour reversal of the classic Bruce Lee outfit as I am planning to do another model from the range in the classic yellow scheme with black arm stripes.

Grimm Lee Chan is one of the many Grimm available, and a Level 1 Brawler. He can also be used in The Way Teams. In The Way he has great synergy with White Tiger as she boosts his basic Attack die pool to 3 dice, which can help trigger his Power that allows reduced cost Follow Up Attacks. The Attack that this works on is Grimm Chucks which has an impressive Damage 2 as basic Effect (FX), itself pretty unusual for a Level 1 Supreme.

Not sure what will be painted next. Maybe Feartigo, although I have my eye on Scarab too, but really I should get White Tiger and/or Grimmsham done as soon as possible for their respective Factions, so time will tell!

Grimm Lee Chan
Hero/Villain, Brawler, Level 1, Nature
30 mm

Saturday, 7 January 2017


The first 'welcome to the blog' post in a while, this time to greet Mark Kitching. Thanks for signing on as a blog follower Mark, and once again, thank you to everyone who checks in.

Last year was a big improvement on my Pulp City painting output so that was very pleasing.

Late 2016 also finally saw the resumption of regular releases following delivery of the second Kickstarter.

Going forward we have plenty of new Supremes lined up and some very cool developments for the game which will be very positive for the game when things finally click into place. We have had a few hurdles to clear, but we are working our way through them we hope, so stay tuned!

Sunday, 1 January 2017

My Pulp City Painting 2016

Another year is over, and my personal painted Pulp City collection has grown! I set myself a target of 12 minis for the year and managed 22, my best output for Pulp City since 2010!

Even then, I had hoped to finish one or two more, so hopefully that will translate into momentum for 2017.

With this year's output I am past 150 painted Pulp City minis in the collection, so I really should make an effort to do a 'whole collection' picture before too long, but I have been saying that for a while as it takes a long time to set up!

In 2017 I hope to finish off the Forgotten and make good headway with both Supreme Alliance and Red Republik, but we shall see where my meandering attention takes me!