
Saturday 10 November 2018

Supers Unlimited Launch 2019 - Kitbash Games

Kitbash Games is delighted to announce that it will launch the Supers Unlimited miniatures range and game in January 2019.

The crowd-funded launch will feature at least 9 miniatures at the start, with more unlocked depending on success. This launch will represent the start of a range of high-quality supers miniatures released alongside fast-play skirmish rules.

The Supers Unlimited miniatures launch will be backed up by a free to download beta rule set and downloadable game cards for all characters.

That is not all! Kitbash Games is very excited that the miniatures will also have rules for Super Mission Force under agreement with Four Color Studios – with downloadable ready-to-play profile cards for all launch characters. Super Mission Force is a highly-regarded, easy to learn, and fast-paced rules system, and Kitbash Games is very pleased to partner with Four Color Studios on this venture.

To keep up with all the latest Supers Unlimited news Like or Follow the Kitbash Games Facebook page here:

Sunday 15 July 2018

Big Brain (Kitbash Games sneak peak)

The first batch of Supers Unlimited characters have now been sent off to the caster for mastering, and Big Brain is among them. More characters are being sculpted and soon we will get some studio paint-jobs done.

Also, don't forget the Kitbash Games contest post here (click for link)! The Kitbash blog has 20 Followers so far, another 5 and the contest will be triggered!

Wednesday 13 June 2018

Contest Time on Kitbash Games!

Over on the Kitbash Games blog I am running a free-to-enter contest to win something! Or even one of up to three somethings!

Follow this link for details: click for link

Monday 14 May 2018

Supers Unlimited - Miniatures

Sorry for the silence in the last few months, but I promise it has been with good reason!

I have decided to launch a line of supers minis later this year through Kitbash Games!

You can read more about my plans either on the Kitbash Games blog page here:

or the Kitbash Games Facebook page here: