
Sunday, 27 December 2009


Mourn is the Screaming Death, an agent of the Necroplane forces.

Sculpted by Jarek Smolka. Going in to painting Mourn I had a clear plan - and of course that went quickly the way of many failed endeavours. I wanted to emulate the colours of the Spectre from comic books (green gloves, boots, trunks and cape, white bodysuit/skin), but due to the cape melding with the bodysuit on the Mourn model, there was no clear line along which to use such a two colour scheme. Instead I focused on trying to get an overall colour I could be satisfied with.

I enjoy the mini immensely, and plan to paint another sometime in the future. It is without doubt one of my favourites, and not only within the Pulp City range. I wasn't wholly satisfied with the results, but I think it is reasonably effective. the next one will probably have a purple-hued colour scheme, but time will tell, as plans often change, don't they?

On the plus-side, I think my photography of my minis is improving a little.


  1. Mourn is one of my favourite Pulp City figures. I really like what you did with him; a nice ethereal colour scheme!

  2. Thanks a lot. I am planning another one - probably in purple - once I get ahead on the painting challenge I have set myself.

    BTW - I really enjoy your PARAGONS blog, posts and WIP's.
