
Saturday, 2 January 2010

The Ancible - magazine

I picked up issue 1 of this new science fiction and fantasy tabletop gaming magzine a few weeks ago and found it a diverting, enjoyable and generally well-constructed read.

The Ancible is an independent gaming magazine aimed at the tabletop miniatures gamer, something which has been sorely lacking for a long time I feel. The first issue does a good job of offering overviews of some tabletop miniatures games. These kind of overviews are the kind of thing I enjoy reading, so I was pleased to see them included.

As the magazine develops and matures, I imagine design and content will change over time, so it will be interesting to see where it goes in terms of direction. The audience represents a broad church of gamers and hobbyists with tremendously varied backgrounds in terms of tastes and experiences, so pitching the magazine to a sufficiently large readership may be tricky - I hope they have every success in this regard.

I have picked up a subscription, having finally dropped my White Dwarf subscription after many years, and recommend the magazine on the basis of that first issue.

1 comment:

  1. Glad you enjoyed our First Issue i hope you find Issue 2 as much fun.
