
Thursday, 22 April 2010

A Little Slow Down

I have been working a lot in the past week, so haven't painted much (I prefer to paint during daylight hours for the usual reasons), the limits of time compounded by other factors.

So I have a couple of nearly complete Vigilantes (Minions) and a half-done Dead Eye, all of which I'd like to get done by next Thursday - time to get a move on, methinks!

While I prefer to paint during daylight hours, other hobby activities can be safely conducted outside of that time-frame (insert obvious innuendo here!). Like any 'good' miniatures hobbyist I have far more minis than just those that are painted or in various stages of painting...

So it was I came across some Rackham Confrontation figures (Devourers of Vile-Tis - nasty wolf-humanoids basically), which got me to thinking about getting them painted up one day - yet more distractions of course....

1 comment:

  1. Finished one Vigilante yesterday. the other is getting closer, except I keep hitting other minis with paint from the hairy stick...

    Must focus...

    Time for a cuppa...
