
Thursday, 29 July 2010

July Painting Summary

Not a good month. In fact a month of painting frustration more than anything. I finished Gentleman Sniper and did Twilight pretty quickly (for me - it is all relative!), and did some work on Iron Train, but put him to one side as I am still struggling to get to grips with NMM.

So I started on four Necro GI's (two spare for when they convert hapless Citizens etc.), I thought I'd try and employ the approach that allowed me to finish the Sentry Bots fairly quickly, yet this time things have just not worked well. The Necro GI's have taken me most of the last week or so in terms of any painting time, and a lot of that is covering mistakes, covering stuff I am unhappy with and worst still touching up after dropping them, knocking them over - you name it, if it can be done to chip the paint I have done it with these four. So clumsiness has played a part in limiting my painting progress, but there have been a couple of diversions as well.

On the writing front I have finally finished up an interview I conducted with Maciej (of Pulp Monsters) a few months ago, and so hope that will be available somewhere soon. I have been doing some other writing-related 'work' as well, making a small contribution to something that will be visible sometime around August-September; more on that closer to the time.

Anyway, here is hoping for a better month next month, and finally finishing these Necro GI's...

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