
Thursday, 1 July 2010

Quarterly Update (2)

The second quarterly update showing what is and what isn't painted on my Pulp City Painting Challenge.

Here is the current list of available Pulp City minis, organised by sub faction; the ones that I have painted already are in italics:

Heavy Metal
Chronin (L1)
Androida (L1)
Iron Train (L2)
Nuclear Jones (L2)
Dr. Mercury (L2)
C.O.R.E. (L3)

Blood Watch
Red Riding Hoodoo (L1) and Zombie Wolf (Minion)
Blood Rose (L1)
Six Feet Under (L2)
Sgt. Bale (L2)

Unaligned Heroes
Ace of Wraiths (L2)
Deadeye (L3)
Vigilantes (Minions; x2)
Solar (L2)
Harrier (L1)
Trail (L2)
Stoner Hawk (L2)

Dr. Red (L2)
Virus (L1)
Apebot (L2)
Chimp Chi (L1)
Guerilla (L2)
Howler (L1)

Kitty Cheshire (L1)

Unaligned Hero/Villains
Acorn (L1)
Father Oak (L2)
Vector (L1)

Rook (L2)
Twilight (L1)
Francis Gator (L1)

Dr. Tenebrous (L3)
Mourn (L1)
Necro GI's (Minions; x2)
Supreme Zed (L2)
Sanguine (L1 or L2) and Draku (Minion)

Boreas (L2)
Hellsmith (L2)

Unaligned Villains
Mysterious Man (L3)
Xenobi (L1)
Gentleman (L1)
Gentleman with sniper rifle (L1)
Nuke (L2)
Tangent (L2)
Seabolt (L2)
Sister Bedlam (L1)

Sentry Bots/Advanced Sentry Bot (Minions)
June Summers (Minion; promo from last year)
Herald (L?)

Next Wave (coming soon)
Looks to be:
Skyline (H; L1?)
Jade Hawk (H; L1?)
Silverager (V/V; ARC; L2?)
Le Murtiple (H/V; ARC; L1?)

The quiet phase between the April acquisitions and the next wave meant that my overall deficit came down on the whole in the second quarter; all the while I managed to produce 13 Tokens (and counting), and did some other hobby stuff.

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