
Saturday 18 September 2010

Mini Update

I managed to get some more Pulp City gaming in on Thursday, and Rob and I took plenty of photographs to hopefully complement an upcoming Battle Report (see the image left for a sneak preview; Howler advances across the battle-wracked streets of Pulp City).

On another front I am very excited that the Pulp City Guide (rulebook) is nearing print publication, which will be very cool for avid fans like me.

On the minis front I have tons of stuff in various stages of painting:
- Iron Train (x2!)
- Guerilla
- Necro GI's
- Grimm (Elder & Digger)
- Dr. Tenebrous
- Lady Cyburn

And I'd like to crack on with Dr. Red soon, to complement the ARC forces, which is something Rob and I discussed after the recent game.

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