
Wednesday 22 September 2010

WAMP Painting Contest

One of my increasingly favourite sites - WAMP - is running one its regular painting contests, and this one is Pulp City specific, with a number of prizes available (10 separate prizes I believe).

The link for the contest rules on the forum can be found here:

WAMP Pulp City Painting Contest

The gallery of entries can be found here:
Pulp City Contest Gallery

The deadline for entries is 6pm 28th October 2010 (I guess 6pm UK time), and you can enter as many times as you like.

The WAMP is a nice little place that encourages miniatures painting in all sorts of genres and scales, and I have found it to be nothing but friendly so far. The folks behind the WAMP (led by Brett/Darklord) have also started publishing an e-zine called Portal, and in the second issue you can find the contest entry details.

I am hoping to use the contest both to kick on my personal Pulp City Painting Challenge, but also to finish a project I started ages ago (Sgt. Bale Extreme).

To anyone interested, maybe give it a try.

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