
Monday 11 October 2010

Pulp City Rulebook (printed) Imminent

Following an announcement by Maciej/Morf on the Pulp City Forum, I am really pleased to hear that is imminent (link):

Morf said: Hello Citizens, didn't want to talk about before being absolutely sure,
but today I am, so here we go: the book arrival date is 28.10.2010.
Printers confirmed it, I saw initial print outs.

Part why it is 4 weeks after the initial ETA is that we kept on improving it like crazy.
This was probably the furthest thing from a rushed release.
I am putting a lot of trust in the fact, that we won't have to provide a 10 page errata as soon as it is out. Meanwhile, Melvin was taking the opportunity to add even more awesome art

I am really pleased to read this, and really look forwards to getting the rule-book, having received the preview pdf and from offering a small amount of help along the way.

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