
Sunday, 7 November 2010

Better, Better...

I finally have finished those Necro GI's that I have been mentioning for months. They have been a bane, and it took me a while to figure out why. I think the problem was that in trying to paint them in a 'quick and dirty' manner, I didn't like the initial results enough to carry on when I first started with them. A few hours extra work saw them finished. Eventually, and months later...

I also finished a second Hulking Grimm at the beginning of the month. This was simply to 'get something done', and strangely has probably helped me get the motivation to finish off those Necro GI's. I wonder if I will amass a collection of Hulking Grimm in time as painting motivators...

I'll try and get new pictures in the next few days.

Basically I have 56 painted of 73 minis as I am counting them for the Challenge. November will be 'make or break month' I feel.

As I missed the third quarter summary, here is my Pulp City Painting Challenge so far; this is the current list of available Pulp City minis, organised by sub faction; the ones that I have painted already are in italics:

Heavy Metal
Chronin (L1)
Androida (L1)

Iron Train (L2)
Nuclear Jones (L2)
Dr. Mercury (L2)

Lady Cyburn (L1)
Captain Hadron/Mini Hadron (L2)
C.O.R.E. (L3)

Blood Watch
Red Riding Hoodoo (L1) and Zombie Wolf (Minion)
Blood Rose (L1)
Six Feet Under (L2)
Sgt. Bale (L2)

Unaligned Heroes
Ace of Wraiths (L2)
Deadeye (L3)
Vigilantes (Minions; x2)
Solar (L2)
Harrier (L1)
Trail (L2)
Stoner Hawk (L2)
Jade Hawk (L1)

Skyline (L1)

Dr. Red (L2)
Virus (L1)
Apebot (L2)
Chimp Chi (L1)

Guerilla (L2)
Howler (L1)
Silverager (L2)

Le Murtiple (L1)

Kitty Cheshire (L1)

Unaligned Hero/Villains
Acorn (L1)
Father Oak (L2)
Vector (L1)
Tritonious (L1)

Virgo (L2)

Rook (L2)
Twilight (L1)
Francis Gator (L1)

Dr. Tenebrous (L3)
Mourn (L1)
Necro GI's (Minions; x2)
Supreme Zed (L2)
Sanguine (L1 or L2) and Draku (Minion)

Boreas (L2)
Hellsmith (L2)

Gemini X (L1)
Gemini Y (L1)
Stormblades, Libra Sensei (L2)

Xyllian, Master Sagittarius (L2)
Gorgoroth, Taurus Captain (L2)

Unaligned Villains
Mysterious Man (L3)
Xenobi (L1)
Gentleman (L1)
Gentleman with sniper rifle (L1)
Nuke (L2)
Tangent (L2)
Seabolt (L2)
Sister Bedlam (L1)

Sentry Bots/Advanced Sentry Bot (Minions)
June Summers (Minion; promo from last year)

Herald (L1)

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