
Sunday 21 November 2010

Mini Update

November is shaping up quite well. The target for November-December looked too far out of reach, but I said I'd give my best effort to achieve my Pulp City Painting Challenge, and so far I have been able to paint more than I would normally anticipate.

Finished so far in November:
- Hulking Grimm
- Necro GI's (4 minis; counts as 2 minis in the Challenge)
- Herald
- Iron Train (not yet photographed)
- Gorgoroth, Taurus Captain (not yet photographed)

That totals 8 painted minis for the month (which overshadows the last couple of months quite easily), and 5 discrete minis within context of the Challenge; if I can paint another couple it will by far be my best month of the year.

I'll try and get some more stuff photographed in the next few days.

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