
Wednesday 3 November 2010

Pulp City Guide Available To Order

This was announced for order today via the Pulp City Forum; some pre-orders were taken at Gencon I understand, but for the rest of us the time is here. I hope to get my hands on my own copy sometime soon, and I have to admit I am pretty excited. There should be tons of material to supplement the game rules sections I have previously seen, and as a sucker for 'fluff'/background material that is what I may be looking forward to most. Well that and the 'new book smell', but then I am strange like that. :)

The quote from Pulp City Forum:


144 heavy stock gloss paper perfect bound hard cover beauty of the book.
The book retails for 24.99 Euro and 34.99 USD.
You can purchase the book directly from us [Pulp Monsters] for 24.99 Euro.

HOW TO ORDER: Send an email to maciej (at) with your adress and PayPal address, and I will send you an invoice this week

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