
Monday 27 December 2010

Snow & Varnish

Whilst having snow on the ground at Christmas has been lovely, it has prevented any spray varnishing of my minis as they get finished, since it has been too cold to trust that the varnish won't fog the minis or leave white streaks or a coarse finish.

Thus I have been varnishing by hand (Vallejo matt varnish), which itself has been something new to me; getting used to the consistency I want, making sure the varnish doesn't pool, and accepting the finish is probably a little more satin than I would have liked. But you live and you learn as they say, and since I didn't want to leave the minis unprotected, I had little choice really. Still painting away on those minis, and this morning I placed an order for a truly special Pulp City mini, so something to look forwards to there then. More on that when it arrives...

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