
Sunday 5 December 2010


Another 'welcome' post, this one to Bill B, who has also recently joined up. The blog has acquired a few new Followers lately, so hopefully I am doling something 'right'. As ever, I really appreciate anyone taking time to read of join; so thanks again to Bill B and everyone else who has signed up.

On the hobby front I have been 'under the weather' (dry cough; aches and pains; headache; sneezing; disturbed sleep; seasonal stuff alas) which has spoiled my concentration for hobby stuff. Over the past couple of days I managed to re-paint a Ziterdes apartment (flat colours, no shading or highlights) since that didn't need much focus, and I may show a side-by-side if anyone is interested.

On the minis front I have splashed a little colour on Le Murtiple, but as I mentioned my concentration has been poor, so painting 'le petit métal hommes' has been limited.

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