
Sunday 2 January 2011

December Painting Summary/Painting Challenge In Review

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Okay not a bad month. I didn't achieve my ultimate goal, but in comparison to the rest of the year a good month: I painted as many minis for the Challenge in December as I did in February and April, my joint second-best months until then.

I knew from November that goal was unlikely, but I carried on and this is what I painted or finished in December:
- Skyline
- C.O.R.E. and Access Points
- Le Murtiple (3 minis)
- Virgo

I basically managed half of my target for the month, but the target was roughly 2 months worth of work. In total through the year I painted 51 mostly unique paint-jobs, or just over 4 per month, resulting in 67 unique models painted, and 72 painted Pulp City minis overall.

So where to now with the Challenge? Well I am going to persist. So that is just another month of painting, right? Wrong.

I ordered Giant Hadron a few days ago, at 120 mm tall the biggest Pulp City mini by far. Such a big mini is going to require far more work than a 30-35 mm tall mini of course. So a month to finish that alone maybe. Add in that I hope we see another release of around 5 minis in the first couple of months of the year, then I am going to extend the Challenge to myself to the end of March. Game on.

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