
Wednesday 1 June 2011

Mini Update

The Pulp Citizen Cave lies in ruins...

Okay it doesn't really, and Ra's Al Ghul's henchmen haven't burnt down my house, but Mrs Pulp Citizen and me are in the midst of a protracted move which hit further delay last week, meaning most of my hobby stuff is packed up.

Consequently I have been able to do only a little, starting work on painting a Ziterdes Factory building. I haven't felt motivated to crack into the two Pulp City minis I have not yet packed away since the disruption of having most of the household contents boxed up has sapped my motivation somewhat, and means new pics of anything will be some time in coming.

On the plus side, I know work has been continuing on the next few waves of Pulp City Supremes and there should be some new ones on the horizon very soon - further out look for new alliances as the threats to the city grow; of course I won't be able to order any until safely ensconced in the Pulp Citizen Cave mark II. More exciting was seeing the first Pulp Monster kit. This is part of a new rules option allowing Supremes vs. big monsters battles, which from play test was lots of fun. the first mini looks ace and I look forwards to getting my hands on one.

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