
Monday, 15 August 2011


It looks as though another of the GOG contributors has signed up as a Follower, so without further ado, welcome aboard Eddy Artillery (a super hero or villain name if ever there should be one!). From Tea Urn's messages you guys are picking up on Pulp City which is great - the more the merrier. Thanks again to Eddie Artillery, as well as the other GOG guys, and to everyone else of course. 75 Followers for this little blog - who would have thunk it?

Thinking of the GOG guys and us UK based players/fans as a whole, I understand there could be news in September about UK distribution, so fingers crossed.

And speaking of the UK (subtle segue here! Okay nothing is that subtle about the Pulp Citizen...), I have the second of the two 'UK-themed Battle Reports finished this morning. Much shorter and I should post soon.

After these non-urban games I now have in mind a hell-themed/lava-themed board in mind which could pull double duty for a number of games (like Anima Tactics, WH40K, maybe Hell Dorado if I take that up) as well as Pulp City. Doing these two games was a nice change for us I reckon.


  1. Thanks for the welcomes!

    I am looking forward to my first game of Pulp City, and using Heavy Metal to banish the evil ones from the city.

    Your blog has been a great source of inspiratation.

  2. Thanks for the warm welcome Citizen!
    Really loving the comic book style battle reports. :-)

    The GoGs have gone a little crazy with their Pulp City purchases but hopefully we should have some posts on Gogonline soon.

    Thanks for some wonderful inspiration!

  3. Cheers guys; I really do look forwards to what you guys do.

    For sneaky tactics with your respective Teams, look no further than the Tactics section of the Pulp City Forum - hopefully some good ploys to be plundered there.

  4. can you please delete that reference before the super-gamer known as Tea Urn sees it.... we have enough trouble beating him at anything without "sneaky tactics"
