
Tuesday 25 October 2011

Blood Watch (Sub-faction - updated)

Click on the picture to embiggen.
With the recent painting of Moonchild/Moon Coyote and Loup Garou II, and guessing it may be a few months before further Blood Watch are released, I thought an update could be in order as with the The Coven update yesterday.

The Blood Watch are guardians against the threat of the Necroplane and other arcane evils. They are dark defenders, creatures of the night, and men and women empowered by occult forces.

The models above are sufficient to field a Level 9 Blood Watch Team.

The Blood Watch (rear row left to right):
  • Loup Garou II: fast and brutally powerful; requires Moonchild to be present to be be fielded as Blood Watch.
  • Sgt. Bale: ex-special forces soldier turned arcane-empowered supernatural hunter.
  • Six Feet Under: enslaved in Hellrock, the Necroplane's terrible prison, Six Feet Under is a man from another world determined to spare this Earth the same fate as his home world.
  • Zombie Wolf: (Minion) Hoodoo's guardian; is this Loup Garou - a former enemy - turned to serve Red Riding Hoodoo?
(front row, left to right):
  • Moon Coyote/Moonchild: support Supreme, fast and mobile.
  • Blood Rose: the last of her kind, the Blood Watch's healer and source of mobility - she can teleport them across the field of battle.
  • Red Riding Hoodoo: New Orleans voodoo practitioner, and mistress of ancient rituals.

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