
Sunday 12 February 2012


The fifth welcome of the month - this time to ironmammoth whose work I just stumbled upon on Lead Adventure Forum. And it is stunning stuff.

ironmammoth has been, among other things, creating some amazing laser cut MDF terrain. I had seen his nodding donkey (pumpjack) before, but forgot about those until today when I saw his stunning windmill. I note ironmammaoth has some similar war-game interests to my own so I will be sure to check out his blog here.

Anyhoo, with the dots joined up for me, ironmamoth's is one blog I will be watching very closely. And thanks again for doing me the honour of signing up to Pulp Citizen.

On my own hobby front; no painting of minis in the past few days (just walls!), but quite a lot of writing...

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