
Wednesday, 2 May 2012

Plasticville Buildings

I have had these buildings for a while, although one has sat part-painted for a long, long time. Observant readers will probably recognise the Diner from some battle reports, but the Frosty Bar has only recently been finished.

Both were built from simple plastic kits from the Plasticville range, which also includes the church I  have (listed in catalogues as a Cathedral, I think) and the Aircraft Hangar which we use as  a warehouse.

I purchased these from Dark House Games, whose proprietor I have always found friendly and helpful.


This just had a simple spray coat of Bolt Gun Metal, with slightly more detailed painting on doors etc. When the paint starts to wear I will go over it to create more of an aluminium finish. At the front I had to glue some plastic-card strip over writing that said Plasticville which was simple enough to do.

In gaming terms I find it a nice size to block line of sight and allow speedy movement onto and from the building. The roof lifts off which is pretty handy.

Frosty Bar

The painting has been a bit more detailed on this, with more colours, dry-brushing and washes used.

Below where it says 'Frosty Bar' there was relief writing saying Plasticville, which was filed down reasonably easily.

This also has a removable roof. The Frosty Bar has yet to be gamed with, but I have a table set-up in mind that this will be perfect for! I have some fencing on order from Fenris which will be part of the game I have in mind...


  1. Pretty cool, and thanks for the link. The only other stores I have found to have Plasticville are from the US.

    1. Dark House have been great to deal with for me.

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks Jay; I really need to do more with the Diner though...

    2. ...A few roof vents (to smell the hot grease) and a short raised platform to lift the diner off the ground,with a couple of steps to the front door, would put it on the Pulp Citizen's list of the Best Gaming Table Diners of 2012!

  3. Look really good. May have to take a look at them for my next table

  4. Very nice. Of all the Plasticville stuff these are my favorites.

    1. I do like them a lot, and the other two buildings are nice o hopefully more work on those others soon.

  5. Yup, these are the best of the range.

  6. Very nice - they look like a decent option (especially the cathedral through the link you have up there which looks huge!) but with all the almost constantly improving HDF buildings out there, how would you say they compare?

    1. The cathedral is not actually that big, so would pass well for a country church.

      Compared to HDF buildings, these are very lightweight and come in 'ready-to-use' colours, and add some variety of things not otherwise available.

      Also, and this is very important, only buy the kits and NOT the pre-built options; the pre-builds are very costly.
