
Tuesday, 18 September 2012


Another 'welcome to the blog' post; this one going out to Artur Pendragon. I wonder with a name like that if he would like some details on a planed Blood Watch Supreme with some links to Camelot...? (Alas my lips are sealed on that Supreme for now!).

It could go without saying that I am very pleased whenever anyone signs up - it could go without saying - but I will say it anyway, and thanks to Artur and everyone else! Cheers guys.

On the hobby front I have been painting some Ninjas and a Ninja Sensei; they are in colours to complement Crimson Oni and they should be finished within the next couple of days. The big terrain Tokens are almost done, just waiting for the Magic Water to set. I am just about to start writing up a special Encounter scenario and rules for this year's Hallowe'en Madness; I have also been prepping some terrain to match that particular game. Soon have to start thinking about Christmas Madness 2012!

Thanks again to Artur for signing up and everyone for checking by; cheers guys!


  1. Links to Camelot?
    Arthur? Merlin? Lady of the Lake?

    1. Eh? Wassat...? Can't quite hear...

    2. Grrrr, Why you............

      Oh, I have cake!

    3. Mmm...cake...well the answer is...wait, gotta go...

  2. I will still be here.

    Is that a steak over there?
