
Thursday, 25 October 2012


No posts for a while alas, but a 'welcome aboard' to the latest Follower of the blog - Black Smoke, who is responsible for the Colour of War blog, well worth checking out.

As always it is a privilege and a pleasure to see someone else signed up, so very much appreciated, thank you.

There should be some painting action next month. After the apparent success of Zomtober (see my other blog on this thread here), my main gaming buddy and I have decided to do something similar with supers minis in November.

We aim to get four minis (minimum) painted in the month of November  I think I know the four I will tackle but more details soon; suffice it to say that most if not all will be Pulp City minis.


  1. Cant wait to see what you will be painting up.
    Current or new goodies?
