
Saturday, 24 November 2012

Doc Cosmos Competition Reminder

Just a reminder that the deadline for each contest is Sunday 2nd December, 23:59 UK time.

Contest links here.

You can enter each contest for up to 3 chances to win.

I have only had 1 entry for contest 2 so far.

I have only had 2 entries for contest 3 so far.

You have to be in it to win it, so what are you waiting for!

Wednesday, 21 November 2012


Outside of the closed ranks of the Jade Cult, Tanuki’s origin is veiled in secrecy, and even within that terrible society few know the truth. One of the Jade Cult's mysterious spirit-oni’s, Tanuki is probably the least loyal of that kind, even if ultimately he is the only one that recognizes that fact.

My third of a planned four Super-November minis, Tanuki has been a long time in coming, although not so long in painting!

I started this just after the launch of this shared challenge with Rob, and the bulk has been painted in the past few days. I found it quite an enjoyable mini to paint, with nice areas and textures to work on. That said, with my new job (I say new; been in post two months), I do not get much day-time to paint in, so Tanuki has mostly been painted at night, which has played havoc with the dark greens, so if anything looks a bit ropy, I blame the lighting! Ahem...

This is the first Pulp City mini for my own collection for quite some time. In game-play Tanuki is very much a Support Supreme, there to help his Team-mates through his unique Actions; he certainly has his own little niche, and is quite unlike any of the other Jade Cult.

With the Terror Cotta Warriors and Green Emperor on the horizon Jade Cult is near to be able to field a sizable Team.

I do think this is a really fun mini, and one I probably enjoyed painting and that I am happier with than any other this year.

I have veered away from my usual Villain colour motif (good old purple!), but hey, the Team is called the Jade Cult after all!

Next up for Super-November? Well that would be telling...

Sunday, 18 November 2012


Back to back 'welcome' posts; something I have not had for a while!

This time the hearty 'welcome to the Pulp Citizen' is extended to gaarew, author of a couple of blogs (Just Add Brown Ink... and 15mil of Fame) and proprietor of Studio gaarew. I have signed up to both blogs and particularly hope Just Add Brown Ink... becomes active again. Thanks again gaarew.

On other news, my next minis for Super-November are underway. Also don't forget the Doc Cosmos competitions I have running: link here.

And finally, once again, please hop on over to Tales of a Tabletop Skirmisher to check out Paint the City Pink; a brilliant endeavour for a great cause.

Thursday, 15 November 2012


Welcome aboard to rousell68, the latest follower of the blog. Glad to have you! rousell68 has the Don't Throw a 1 blog, which has dipped its toe into the proverbial supers waters, with takes on Power Girl, Dr. Strange and the Spectre, so I will be watching with interest.

Thanks again for signing up.

On Pulp City news; I am working on my next mini which is going to be very yellow as the main colour theme. I have also started blocking out base colours on the one after that - dark grey and dark green. Any ideas what they will be?

Further out, working with Maciej and Devon we continue to develop the next iteration of the Pulp City rules ahead of the open beta  phase - more details when we get closer to that.

Wednesday, 14 November 2012

Super November Week 2

See the Eclectic Gentleman Tabletop Gamer for this week's entry in more detail.

But don't worry, next week's entry should be a Pulp City mini!

Wednesday, 7 November 2012

Harrier (Paint The City Pink)

Okay, Super-November (title subject to change based on better suggestions) is underway for Rob and me; one mini per week as a minimum deadline for the month.

So what to paint first? Well for me it was a case of finishing my contribution to Hendybadger's Paint The City Pink initiative. Harrier is now done and will be headed to Hendybadger pretty soon I hope, with just some varnish needed.

This is the second Harrier (first is here) I have painted and I think it is a nicely sculpted mini, and even though one of the earlier Pulp City sculpts, still a strong concept in my opinion. Finishing the mini was eventually quite nice as I enjoy painting flesh tone like this more and more these days, finding it more straightforwards than I used to.

Sorry that the pictures are a bit grainy - I think I placed the mini much further back than usual when setting up, but sine i needed to post to hit the deadline, I am stuck with the pictures as taken.

I implore readers to look at Hendybadger's Paint The City Pink initiative, and to try and support it if they can - it is in a very good cause.

As for Super-November? Well I have three more minis in various stages of painting and one other in the 'would like to get done' queue. Stay tuned...

Saturday, 3 November 2012

Doc Cosmos Contest 3

The third chance to win a Doc Cosmos mini.

What if he is not really Doc Cosmos? 

Choose a name and write a background (400 words or less) for a super that you think fits the mini; the one deemed to be the most original and most fitting (a tough combo) wins. And by original I mean without infringing someone else's copyright!

If no-one enters, another Contest 1 prize will be drawn.

Mark the email subject for your emailed entries as: Super Story.
Email your entries to pulpcitizen at

This contest will run until Sunday 2nd December, 23:59 UK time.

Good luck!

Doc Cosmos Contest 2

The second chance to win a Doc Cosmos mini.

Doc Cosmos is not a Pulp City mini, but if he were in some parallel universe, what stats would he have? I know how I would build him, but how would you?

Create a profile for Doc Cosmos (no cards need to be made - this contest will not be THAT hard!), and the one I feel is the closest match to my vision wins. If no-one enters, a second Contest 1 prize will be drawn.

The profile that needs to be made should be something like:

Faction (Hero, Villain, or Hero/Villain)
Origin (Mystery, Nature or Science)
Level (1, 2 or 3)
STR (choose a value between 1 and 10)
DEF (choose a value between 1 and 10)
ENG (choose a value between 1 and 10)
AGL (choose a value between 1 and 10)
MND (choose a value between 1 and 10)
SPT (choose a value between 1 and 10)
Skills (at least 1, nor more than 4)
Actions (4; names and rules - try and keep them simple guys!)
Team Power (1; name and rules)

Mark email subject as: Doc Comsos stats.
Email your entries to pulpcitizen at

This contest will run until Sunday 2nd December, 23:59 UK time.

Good luck!

Doc Cosmos Contest 1

The first chance to win a Doc Cosmos mini; comment on this post saying that you would like to win one of these minis, and a winner will be drawn at random from the list.

This contest will run until Sunday 2nd December, 23:59 UK time.

Good luck!

Competition Time!

Okay, I promised this waaaaay back when, and now the time is nigh!

This morning I gratefully received a box of a couple of dozen or so castings of my own creation - Doc Cosmos as sculpted by James Van Schaik (see here; and here for a interview I did with James). A few are set aside for friends in the minis/gaming community.

However, it is time for contests to win one. Actually, not one, not two, but three chances to win!

So if you would a very limited availability mini, then read on.

Each contest will run until Sunday 2nd December, 23:59 UK time.

Doc Cosmos Contest 1 (click for link)
There will be a Contest 1 post soon; comment on that post saying that you would like to win one of these minis, and a winner will be drawn at random from the list.

Doc Cosmos Contest 2 (click for link)
Doc Cosmos is not a Pulp City mini, but if he were in some parallel universe, what stats would he have? I know how I would build him, but how would you?
Create a profile for Doc Cosmos (no cards need to be made - this contest will not be THAT hard!), and the one I feel is the closest match to my vision wins. If no-one enters, a second Contest 1 prize will be drawn.
Wait until a Contest 2 post is started for further instructions.

Doc Cosmos Contest 3 (click for link)
What if he is not really Doc Cosmos? Choose a name and write a background (400 words or less) for a super that you think fits the mini; the one deemed to be the most original and most fitting (a tough combo) wins. If no-one enters, another Contest 1 prize will be drawn.
Wait until a Contest 3 post is started for further instructions.

There you go, and get those thinking caps on if you are interested guys.

Thursday, 1 November 2012

Supers-November....Um...Supervember...Or Something

Okay, after the relative success of Zomtober (on the Eclectic Gentleman Tabletop Gamer here), and with Rob mentioning he felt that he was behind in painting 'supers' minis, and with me knowing I have been remiss in painting through the year, we have settled on SupersNovember. Or Supervember, Or whatever we will call it (I favour Supervemeber right now, or maybe Newsupersvemeber, who knows...).

Anyhoo, the plan is to paint one 'supers' themed mini per week through the month. To that end I have picked out three Pulp City minis (one of which will be for Hendybadger's Paint the City Pink initiative), and one Chronoscope super. So most will be posted here and one will be posted on the Eclectic Gentleman Tabletop Gamer, if I hit my targets. The minis I plan to do are in the picture, but plans often change don't they?

So each week, ending the 7th, 14th, 21st and 28th we aim to each finish at least one 'supers' themed mini. yes some have a little work on them done already, but we  agreed that as part of the Zomtober ground rules so it apples here too.

Wish me luck and stop by for progress updates!