
Saturday, 3 November 2012

Competition Time!

Okay, I promised this waaaaay back when, and now the time is nigh!

This morning I gratefully received a box of a couple of dozen or so castings of my own creation - Doc Cosmos as sculpted by James Van Schaik (see here; and here for a interview I did with James). A few are set aside for friends in the minis/gaming community.

However, it is time for contests to win one. Actually, not one, not two, but three chances to win!

So if you would a very limited availability mini, then read on.

Each contest will run until Sunday 2nd December, 23:59 UK time.

Doc Cosmos Contest 1 (click for link)
There will be a Contest 1 post soon; comment on that post saying that you would like to win one of these minis, and a winner will be drawn at random from the list.

Doc Cosmos Contest 2 (click for link)
Doc Cosmos is not a Pulp City mini, but if he were in some parallel universe, what stats would he have? I know how I would build him, but how would you?
Create a profile for Doc Cosmos (no cards need to be made - this contest will not be THAT hard!), and the one I feel is the closest match to my vision wins. If no-one enters, a second Contest 1 prize will be drawn.
Wait until a Contest 2 post is started for further instructions.

Doc Cosmos Contest 3 (click for link)
What if he is not really Doc Cosmos? Choose a name and write a background (400 words or less) for a super that you think fits the mini; the one deemed to be the most original and most fitting (a tough combo) wins. If no-one enters, another Contest 1 prize will be drawn.
Wait until a Contest 3 post is started for further instructions.

There you go, and get those thinking caps on if you are interested guys.

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