
Monday, 24 December 2012

Christmas Madness 2012: The Revenge of Bad Santa

It is that time of year again...dare you embrace...Christmas Madness?!?

As always thanks to Rob for the pictures, and for the markers; each year Rob adds some more pieces to the mix for these special games, and this year it was more of the tokens as well as the tree. What will it be next year (look to the Battle Report for possible clues)...?

Thanks to Melvin for the Santa and Bad Santa cards - very cool indeed!

Click on the pic to enlarge them.

Merry Christmas!


  1. Awesome report.
    I want Ape Ninjas and an Ape Santa!

    Why are SFU and Apebot on extras bases?

    Do we get to see the Santa cards?

  2. Fantastic report. I love the comic style pictures. Brilliant. Merry Christmas

  3. Thanks guys, and I wish a very Merry Christmas to all readers of Pulp Citizen. :)
