
Sunday 9 December 2012

Shameless Plug Time

Anima Tactician
I have plugged them before, and I am going to do so again!

Yes I have a couple of other blogs I would like to draw readers attention to. So please click on the links and see if there is something of interest.

Anima Tactician (click for link)
My blog dedicated to Anima Tactics and related games; I have very recently finished painting my first mini for the line so please take some time to check in. next year should see more minis and hopefully at least one or two Battle Reports.

Eclectic Gentleman Tabletop Gamer (click for link)
My other skirmish/wargaming hobby blog. If it is not Pulp City, and it is not Anima Tactics, and it is not not closely related to one or the other, it is probably on this blog if I am posting about it.

Eclectic Gentleman Tabletop Gamer 
The EGTG covers zombies; non-Pulp City supers minis; Victoriana; pulp; sci-fi; old west; and more to come.

It has posts on terrain, the odd hobby tip and lost of part-done projects. Eclectic is its name and I hope it lives up to that appellation.

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