
Wednesday 26 June 2013


Crikey, hot on the heels of the last 'welcome' post is this one. So without any further ado, a 'welcome to the Pulp Citizen' goes out to Wandrell.

I am sure have said this more than a hundred times, but knowing that people are reading does help spur me on so every who checks by, everyone who signs up as a Follower, it is very much appreciated! So thanks everyone.

Now while I have your focus can I draw some attention to a few other blogs I check out a lot?

Four Colour Super Minis - the blog of my main gaming buddy; very eclectic in content, including supers gaming, and regularly has something new and interesting.

Tales of a Tabletop Skirmisher - another buddy's blog, this has a lot of news and review content, and covers a number of skirmish games including Pulp City.

Brummie's Wargaming Blog - I have got to know this blog's proprietor via the online community, and we keep promising to get some games in - soon, very soon hopefully! A nice mix of stuff, with recent emphasis on spy-fi and VSF.

TWTs occasional creative plog - another eclectic blog, and one that has regular Pulp City content, and again someone I have got to know primarily through the online community.

The Boneyard - Undead Jon's blog features occasional Pulp City minis, all very spiffily painted. I am alwasy glad to read his periodic updates.

Mashed Up Potato - Now Darth Tater is only a sporadic blogger, but he is a great bloke and so any time he posts I am happy to read.

Pulp City Planet - one of Dr. Warlock's myriad blogs, this one is primarily focused on Pulp City, with related supers content and other skirmish content.

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