
Sunday 16 February 2014

Pulp City SE Kickstarter -13 Days Remain!

We have 13 days remaining (after which normal blogging service will resume!), and I thought I would take a moment to link to Kicktraq.

Kicktraq is an independent site which looks at KS projects, and shows data such as number of backers, amount pledges, number of comments per day and so forth. It aggregates much of that data to compile 'Hot Lists', and Pulp City Supreme Edition (click for Kicktraq link) has featured at several times on the Tabletop Games Hot List.

If any other bloggers are interested in supporting the Pulp City SE Kickstarter, even if you are not backing it, please think about showing off the Kicktraq mini chart (see below for an example) and linking to the Pulp City Kicktraq page (click for link), as doing so may help promote us on Kicktraq, and push on to further success!

Pulp City: Supreme Edition -- Kicktraq Mini

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