
Friday, 28 February 2014

Pulp City SE Kickstarter Final Hours

As I type this there are approximately 32 hours to go for the Pulp City SE Kickstarter project, and we have been awed by the tremendous response of our backers.

Based on the support the project has had so far, Maciej has commissioned a number of sculpts before we conclude, which would not have happened without the positive response we have seen. As well as Cro Mag and Soul Golem, sculpts have been created for other minis unlocked as stretch goals, and work continues on yet more as we look toward delivery in a few months.

Rosie 'Baby' Rude (top) is another Powerhouse, an independent Hero who has possibly the best Knockback Actions in the game; excellent for control of objectives.

Below Rosie is Amok, a martial artist whose body houses a spirit of rage-fueled violence; he attempts to use meditative techniques to quell the anger within, but more often that rage spills out. Amok can feature for The Way, but also can give in to his darker side.

Then we have Grimm Lee Chan; a Grimm who has become fascinated by chop-socky movies and their stars. His sense of honour has drawn him towards The Way. All backers at Supreme level and above receive Grimm Lee Chan for free.

Next up is the Toxic Grimmvenger. An unfortunate Grimm whose body has been further mutated following a toxic spill. That accident left him with dangerous powers which Grimmsham (the human leader of the Grimm) uses to sow terror among hapless Citizens.

Finally there are Grimminions; the tiniest examples of the Grimm species, these little critters are everywhere that other Grimm go, and can be a terrible nuisance when found in large numbers.

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