
Friday 5 September 2014

Team Building Reloaded (SE Version)

With the upcoming Pulp City Supreme Edition Kickstarter delivery, I thought I would take an opportunity to talk about what amounts to some significant changes to Team construction.

In the previous edition, a Team had to have an equal or as equal as possible Level 1 and Level 2 Supremes. It could have a Level 3 model if playing a Level 12 game or above. All models had to be Hero or Villain (Hero/Villains could be fielded on either side).

We have changed that for Supreme Edition!

We set out to stream-line and improve the game, but also improve the game experience. One of the things we had to change was to make Team recruitment more permissive. Now you can field you own combination of Levels, with the restriction of no more than one Powerhouse (a 'big guy' model) and no more than one Leader. Teams can be built according to Alignment (Hero or Villain as before), or they can be built around Factions. And some of those Factions have quite an eclectic line-up to say the least. Better yet, some Supremes qualify for more than one Faction...

Consider the following models:

As well as their usual respective Factions, they are all members of The Way, which means that models that previously could not be fielded in the same Team now can take the table together.

So those models could be fielded as a Level 8 The Way team. or a level 5 Hero Team, or a Level 5 Villain Team.

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