
Thursday, 1 January 2015

Pulp Citizen: 2014 Reflections, And The Year Ahead

First of all, I want to say once more a big thank you to everyone who Follows the Pulp Citizen, everyone who reads the blog, and most of all those who Comment on the blog - any and all feedback is greatly appreciated.

2014 was an interesting year for me. Not as much time for 'hobby stuff' as I would like as I was involved in an academic course, as well as working as part of the team around Kickstarter fulfilment, but I still managed a little painting and some gaming.

In 2014 I painted far fewer minis overall than the year before, which was to be expected but was fewer than I initially hoped for. Pulp City took a real hit in productivity for me: I only painted 4 minis in 2014, against 14 the year before. I hop 2015 is much more productive.

In the year ahead, like the rest of the team I am looking forward to completion of the Kickstarter fulfilment. I am also looking forward to attending Salute with other members of the Pulp Monsters team, as well playing as the annual games I post as battle reports.

For all visitors to the blog, thank you, and here is to seeing what the year ahead brings.


  1. Happy New Year Pulpcitizen. Delighted to have found this blog late last year, and looking forward to a full twelve months of pulpy-goodness postings :-)

    1. Thanks Blaxkleric! I hpe the year ahead is more full for the blog than 2014 was. :)

      I have some work to do to get tags updated following the transition of editions, so a lot of stuff will be 'unseen', but I certainly want to get more minis painted this year! :)

  2. Happy new year!
    I look forward to start on the stuff from my KS pledge.
    There is never enough hobby time ;). Nevertheless, I hope to see a lot more from you this year, like some more fun battle-reports and such.

    1. Happy New Year to you too Wouter. :)

      Hopefully the KS packages go out very soon as the metals have finally arrived at PM HQ. :)

      I hope to get more Pulp City stuff done this year and reward readers with additional content on the blog. :)

  3. Yeah happy new years Leon, im looking forward to seeing your paint jobs on the new releases!

    Now that I have most of my warmachine tourney armies done I should be able to concentrate on Pulp City for large parts of this year too

  4. Happy New Year to you too Ridmasta. :)

    Looking forward to seeing what you do with Pulp City.

    Funnily enough, I am finally starting WM/H this year, starting with a small Circle Orboros force. :)

  5. Opening that big box of Kickstartered Pulp treasures will be exciting!

    1. We cannot wait for it to get delivered, as that frees us up for our next plans. :)

      I am so looking forward to painting some Grimm. :)

  6. Happy new year Leon :)

    Can't wait for pc goodies to arrive! 2015 should be an awesome year for pulp city :)
