
Sunday, 24 May 2015

Pulp City SE FAQ's & Errata

The journey to get Pulp City SE published was a long one, taking over 3 years from the initial ideas we had about the revisions we wanted in the core mechanics to getting the book into fan's hands.

In the process we wrote and wrote, then edited, edited, and edited again. And still the odd mistake slipped through!

Accordingly, we will be maintaining a living FAQ and Errata, updated as issues arise (we hope these are not too many!).

The living FAQ and Errata will be featured on the Pulp City Forum, and fairly soon on the website. In the mean-time I will also be hosting it here in one of the pages in the header: click for link.


  1. Isn't it a bit odd to post the Errata before we even get the rulebook from our KS pledges ;-).

  2. Wouter; pledges have been going out via delivery for the past couple of months - if you have yet to receive your pledge please contact Karol using the following email:

    kickstarter at pulpmonsters dot com

  3. Hey, thank you for your reaction. I'll send her a mail for a status update :-).
