
Sunday, 19 July 2015


Painted Pulp City mini #124 is done! It has been nice getting a bit of Pulp City painting momentum back after such a barren spell. In that regard, the Grimm are perfect for a painter like me.

What I mean by that is that I am someone who naturally struggles to be productive in my painting, and struggles with the cat of painting; yet when it comes to the Grimm, I find it more pleasurable than with pretty much any other models. They are simple yet full of character, and make a nice little project because of that. In my opinion Melvin de Voor has done a brilliant job with the array of Grimm designs, and that is just those that have been produced so far!

In game terms, like most Grimm Spartagrimm is a Level 1 model, in this case a Brawler, and a pretty potent. one. One of the key things for mastering the Grimm is that they are plentiful because they are mostly Level 1, but can be taken out quickly with well timed Attacks loaded with dice. Despite that they can pack a surprising punch so can catch an unprepared foe unaware. As a Brawler, Spartagrimm has quite a lot of competition from other Brawlers as well as the Tanks that are abundant in the Faction.

After painting the four recent Grimm I may try and get some other Faction's minis done, although more Grimm are beckoning, and I have just started prepping TINY!....

Hero/Villain, Brawler, Level 1, Nature
30 mm


  1. What a cracking little model Pulp Citizen. Wonderful sculpt and a top paintjob from yourself to really bring it to life. Brill :-)

    1. Thanks very much Blaxkleric. :)

      I find painting Grimm very relaxing in comparison to most other things. A joy to paint. :)

  2. Marvellous job dude!! Love the Street Sign Spear very fitting!

    1. Cheers mate. :)

      I am pretty pleased with how he turned out. :)

  3. Cheers! :) I take that as a compliment. :)

    Looking on course for later in the year....

  4. The correct response is "Madness! This is Sparta!"

    BTW- He looks great!
