
Monday, 28 September 2015


V.H. is my second Blood Watch Supreme (after Youngblood) in less than a month, after a spell of not painting any Blood Watch minis for four years - it is funny how these things turn out!

I admit, I am far from the most disciplined of painters, and certainly not an especially productive one, so each time a mini is finished, I am pleased, even if my output is erratic and somewhat sporadic at times. What does help focus me is a deadline for a specific purpose. In this instance the annual Hallowe'en Madness game is coming up, and I want V.H. on the table for that game!

By my standards this was a very quick paint-job, being finished in a couple of hours over around 3-4 sessions in one day, and I am satisfied with the final result even if not my best work. Right now, getting stuff finished is most important for me, as I see painted minis as the means to the end of playing games, and the latter is my favourite part of the hobby. I think finishing the mini so quickly was feeling sufficiently motivated by the deadline necessitated by the upcoming game. It has also helped get me one more painted mini closer to my target of 12 Pulp City minis this year, and is the 128th Pulp City mini I have painted for my collection.

In game terms V.H. can be potentially very hard-hitting if she is used smartly, as she has an Action allowing easier EFX achievement and always rolls at least 3 dice for Action Rolls. Her biggest downside is that her primary Trait for Damage-dealing purposes is Agility 6, which is lower in value than most other Leader's primary Damage-dealing Trait, but should still be sufficient against most Targets. Unlike most Leaders, V.H. does not bring any Minions as a matter of course, so her Team are very much dependent on their own
resources without that extra support available from expendable Minions.

Hero, Leader, Level 3, Mystery
30 mm


  1. I really those little tactics paragraph you put in. It really helps those of us who don't have much experience judge whats good in each model.

    That said, she's not really a lvl 1 infiltrator, is she 😉

    1. Thanks Raspoutine and you are totally correct - a heinous/sloppy copy-paste error there by me! :)

  2. I think the paint work on her looks great. You've made the black look interesting, which I always find tough to do

    1. Thanks Obsidian3D. :)

      She has sat in her blister for far too long so i am happy she was painted this week. :)

  3. Awesome job dude! I could swear you had already painted her or perhaps it was a previews of the mini I saw! Great job dude!

    1. Cheers mate. I have definitely only painted this mini once, promise! :)

  4. Aaron uses her to great effect. She's always rolling plenty of dice on the attack, and wins ties against most models in the game. She's highly painful to fight.

    1. Indeed. While she doesn't have the most potent Traits, HP etc, it is the sum of the whole for V.H. :)

  5. She's one of the miniatures I've been resisting so far.
    Despite the fact she looks absolutely gorgeous, I have no use for her.
    Great show though!
