
Friday, 1 January 2016

Pulp Citizen In 2015

Another year over and a few more minis added to the collection!

I didn't paint as many Pulp City minis in 2015 as I hoped (I aimed for 12 and managed 10), but on the up-side I did add a couple of Leaders, another Powerhouse and a number of Grimm.

In 2016 I am setting the same goal, but I hope it will feel more achievable since in 2015 all of those minis were painted in the second half of the year.

2015 also saw the second Pulp City Kickstarter campaign, which was a very nice success, adding two new whole Factions to the range. If anyone has the belief that running a Kickstarter campaign is easy, I would say it is anything but, and that was with four of us contributing (well done to all of us - Maciej, Devon and Melvin).

So, time to look forward to the year ahead!


  1. Your painted miniatures are very inspiring. I'm painting my first Pulp City mini's and hope to play my first game soon.
    Earlier two KS's werd announced, an easy one (which just passed) and a more difficult campaign. Will the last one be released in 2016? If so I'd better start saving as I really would like to het a Supreme Genesis ;-).
    Happy New Year and Happy Gaming!

    1. Hi Wouter. Thanks for the generous comments.

      We will very likely have a KS campaign in 2016, although we will reveal more about its nature later in the year. We have a few projects that will fit that way of funding: right now it is the best way for us to ensure being able to produce new addition such as new Factions etc. :)

  2. You folks should be very proud of pulp city. It's a great game with very characterful miniatures. I'm looking forward to delivery of the Cold War campaign minis. Some of the best figures yet!

    1. Thanks very much Obsidian3D. :)

      I too am looking forward to those minis, and one in particular I lobbied hard to be included. ;)

  3. You've had a fabulous year mate. Its been great getting so many games in with you. So glad to have you as a friend its been good going to shows and seeing Star Wars we shall have to go the cinema again!
