
Sunday, 22 May 2016

Hovercats (MInions)

Hover! Hover! Hover! Hovercats! Ho!

My focus this year on painting up as many unfinished Minions as possible continues, and the Hovercats are the latest minis I have completed for my Pulp City collection. A brilliant translation of Melvin's fantastic idea for these flying ferocious felines, they are, naturally, armed with Catling Cannons as they deliver a heck of a punch.

With Flying, their Blaster bonus, and if both Hovercats from a card shoot at the same model, they can each throw out 4 dice. With only 2 HP each and low to mid-range defensive Traits, they are fragile (although Flight adds the High Ground Combat Bonus), but if used smartly against the right kind of target (ideally with Agility no greater than 4), they can deliver a decent threat.

Finishing these little guys puts me up to around 15-17 Levels of Hero/Villain Minions, so a lot of choice on top of other things like Vigilantes, Grimminions, Necro G.I.'s etc.. I hope to add Robo-Chimp, Mutant Mobsters and/or Ankle Biters before the end of the year. Painting-wise I have to finish at least 4 more Pulp City minis to hit my minimum target of 12 for the year, which I feel I am on course for, maybe more if I can keep my sporadic momentum.

Hero/Villain, Blaster, Level 2 Minions
30 mm


  1. Oh I do like these 'kitty Kats' PulpCitizen. They're very well painted indeed, and as always I like the background on how best to use them in a game. Keep up the minion challenge :-)

    1. Thanks very much Blaxkleric. :)

      I will try an ensure all future posts have a nugget or two to get the most out of the model(s). :)

  2. Awesome paint job on some of the most fun minis released in a long time.

    1. Thanks very much Obsidan3D. :)

      I am pretty happy with how they turned out. :)

  3. Some of the more hilarious members of Pulp City. Not really my favourite miniatures, but you did a great job painting them.
    A very clean no nonsense finish, which suits them well.

    1. I am glad you like the paint-jobs Wouter. Thanks. :)

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks very much mate. Need to get you into a PC game again very soon. :)

  5. Very nice job! Really must dig mine out from the KS and get playing again....

    1. Thanks a lot Jamie. :)

      I'll keep an eye out on the blogs. :)
