
Sunday, 24 July 2016

Cro Mag

Cro Mag smash!

Cro Mag kind of jumped my 'planned painting queue' for Pulp City, and I am glad he did and that I how have him finished! Cro Mag is big, have no doubt, roughly 3 inches to the top of his head piece from the bottom of his base (that base is 50 mm across!). It is always satisfying to be able to put a big guy Powerhouse on the table, and I needed more Villain Powerhouse options painted, so Cro Mag was a perfect option. More importantly, painting Cro Mag leaves me just 1 mini short of the target I set for my own Pulp City painting at the start of the year. The pictures have washed out the highlights a little, but I am happy with the overall outcome (although his left heel needs a touch up).

Cro Mag is prehistoric man come to superhuman life in contemporary Pulp City, a rampaging creature often working for Mysterious Man. Even by Powerhouse standards, he is far from bright, and is pretty much all in all a destructive force of nature.

Powerhouses are beasts in combat, they just take a bit of getting used to since they do not supply AP to the Pool, and because you want to get the best out of their Power Up dice. Two Powerhouses going toe-to-toe with plenty of Objects to Manipulate (either Throw or Smash with) is just great fun, and really evokes the spirit of over-the-top battles we wanted to create with these massive SupremesCro Mag is no exception to any of that!

The mini comes in just two parts and is cast in resin, making it very simple to prepare and assemble, and easy to game with. For his colour scheme I generally followed the brown fur/blue skin of the studio version.

It is nice to get another 'big mini' done, and I still have a number of Powerhouses to paint (eight in all right now, although I have started on TINY!). Now he is painted, I am hoping Cro Mag makes it to the table before too long, and it also reminds me I need to paint up 100 Voices as another Leader option for him!

Cro Mag
Villain, Powerhouse, Level 3, Mystery
50 mm


  1. Looks great. I'm far behind my planned quota for Pulp City this year, having successfully painted ZERO so far.

    Who will be joining this monster on the table next game?

    1. Thanks very much Obsidian3D. :)

      Hopefully you will get some painted before too long. :)

      I think a nice simple match-up of Villains vs. Heroes, so currently thinking of pitching Cro Mag, Xenobi, Sister Bedlam, Tangent and Rook against Amok, Blood Rose, Vector, Perun and Stone Hawk. No Leaders and very little based on Factions making things a little easier for a pick up and play game.

  2. The Hulk gone Primal, but in blue 😃.
    Great work on the skin, with that much skin showing it isn't easy to keep the mini interesting. But you did a great job at it.
    Still not sure about the base as it is more brown. I think it might have looked even better if a subtle 3th colour was used.

    1. Thanks Wouter. :)

      I agree re: the base, but only something apparent in hindsight, and re-basing is a chore I am not going to pursue since I paint slowly enough as it is! :)

  3. Cro Mag looks fantastic mate love the colours of him. You can't appreciate how big he is until you think of that 50mm base at the bottom!

    1. Cheers mate. :)

      Wait until you see him on the table! :D

  4. He is great! Absolutely massive!

    1. Cheers mate. Strong chance he will be in the upcoming game! :)

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