
Wednesday, 30 November 2016


Bramble is one of the first Supreme Genesis characters that we have gained capacity to create through running Kickstarter campaigns for Pulp City. She was also a mini I was very much looking forward to tackling as a change of pace from a lot of recent stuff I have finished, especially in terms of colour palette. It has also meant my painting this month has been exclusively for my own Pulp City collection and it has been a long while since I last did that.

I went for a super-simple colour scheme featuring browns and greens for obvious reasons. Once I had laid down base colours I was unable to paint for a couple of weeks, which maybe helped me when it came to finishing her off as I was able to do the main work quite quickly in the end, maybe with fresh eyes.

In game terms Bramble is an Infiltrator affiliated with Settler's Green, and is also a Freelancer. That makes Dead Eye and Dark Solar ideal Leader options for her Team. Her Actions give ranged threat as well as some board control, and I think she will offer some interesting options and surprises for players as they get to grips with her. Hopefully we will be able to add more Supremes to Settler's Green before too long.

Hero/Villain, Infiltrator, Level 1, Nature
30 mm


  1. A "super-simple colour scheme" it may be, PulpCitizen, but it looks awesome!! I especially like the jade arrow - what colours did you use on that please?

    1. Thanks mate. :)

      The arow was painted with a base of Vallejo Model Color Park Green Flat, with a little Vallejo green ink over that, highlights with Park Green Flat and mixing in increasing amounts of VMC Pastel Green.

  2. I love the colourscheme, it doesn't pop but fits her so well.
    Perhaps the skin could have been better when it were a little lighter, but that would make her look too much like Poison Ivy. And I think it is quite a great to make her look that good without copying Ivy's colourscheme. Well done!

    1. Thanks Wouter. I had considered regular flesh-tones, but wanted her to have an overall more earthy look. :)

  3. Awesome job dude! I was wondering which Denizen from Pulp City would appear when you mentioned you were working on some.

    1. Cheers mate. :)

      I was pleased to add Bramble and the Cyber Dogs a week before her. :)

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