
Sunday 24 July 2011

Bases/Basing (2)

After my previous post on the subject of bases and basing (read it here), I wanted to mention a new manufacturer I have recently purchased from.

Model Display Products (link here)are a fairly new company I believe. At this stage they have a limited selection of offerings in round, square and round-lip styles, but based on my first buys I will pick up more from them. The bases I bought were from the rocky terrain range; at £4 GBP for 10 x 30 mm bases; £4 for 5 x 40 mm; and £4 for 2 x 50 mm they are crisply detailed, well-cast and excellent value in my view. There are only 4 ranges in the round-lip style at this time, but hopefully we will see this range expand and if the same quality and value is continued I think Model Display Products will join Fenris and Dragon Forge as my go-to base suppliers.

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