
Sunday, 28 April 2013

Welcome To Pulp City

Some of the Supremes that inhabit Pulp City
The blog has been running for some time now, and while there are over 100 people Following, I realised it has been quite some time since I offered any kind of overview of the game for those who may like the look of the minis, but are unfamiliar with Pulp City the game.

I am particular going to talk about the game in context of Pulp City Supreme Edition (also known as Pulp City SE).

Pulp City - Super-powered Action

Pulp City began life as a game of super-powered action and has grown to encompass a range of somewhere around 100 minis and counting (just look above for some of the offical paint-jobs for some of the minis).

The minis represent Supremes (the super-powered Heroes and Villains of the game) and their Minions (think goons, robots, and other henchman types of things).

The game has a ton of influences. From comic books and super-hero movies; pulp novels; 80's action movies and action TV; fantasy stories; science fiction; wuxia and martial arts movies; and much more besides.

It is a game with something for everyone, and a game that has tons of scope to build the kind of team you want. If you don't like playing a specific Sub-faction (like Heavy Metal; Blood Watch; Ulthar; Necroplane  etc.), then just play as Heroes or Villains.

Pulp City - All Action Skirmish

The game is built around the idea of Supremes (and to a lesser extent Minions) being able to to lots of things, but placing the choice of what they do on the controlling player.

Teams are made up of as few as two models and basically can play up to any mutually agreed level.

Games are fast paced with lots happening even in the first Round.

Models can act (Activate) more than once per Round, meaning games are dynamic. Pretty much any terrain on the board can be trashed as titanic battles take place - the game environment is truly interactive.

Players alternate Activations back and forth, and some actions allow reaction to the opposing players Actions - there is very little down time in real terms.

Plots encourage models to move to achieve objectives. This is no game of static gun-lines, but of decisive action.

There may be no other game where you can see a character like Silverager pick up a hapless enemy Supreme, perform his Spinebreaker Action, then hurl the victim at yet another enemy!

Supremes fire energy blasts; throw cars across the battlefield; run at enemies at break-neck speed  climb walls and whatever else we can devise as designers.

Pulp City is a sandbox where anything and everything can happen.

Pulp City Teams

Pulp City is a permissive game; Teams can be made from Sub-factions (for analogy think Avengers;  Justice League; X-Men; Brotherhood of Mutants; Sinister Six; etc.), or can simply be a lose alliance of your favourite Heroes or Villains from the wide range of Supremes Pulp City has to offer.

A Team could be formed of models from a single Sub-faction like from the Jade Cult shown here - then certain options come into play; for example, taking the Jade Cult Leader (Green Emperor) allows you to take up to 3 Terror Cotta Warriors in your Team. Whenever Green Serpent takes to the field, at least a couple of Ninjas are always in tow. And if you have enough Minion points to spare (Minion Levels), then you could more Ninjas for a horde of assassins!

Any Questions?

If anyone has any questions about the game, I would be more than happy to answer them, just post as a comment below!

Pulp City Links

Web-site: link
SE downloads (Open Beta): link
Forum: link
Web-site: link

Thursday, 25 April 2013

New SE Card Preview - Crimson Oni

This was shown on the Pulp City website last week; the is probably quite close to how the final cards will look. The plan is that the new cards will be available as a bundle at near to cost price to make it easier for people to replace their existing cards. we know it will be a commitment to change over, but we do feel it is worth it, that the game is more accessible in terms of rules, and plays faster and more dynamically.

Crimson Oni:

Wednesday, 24 April 2013


A hale and hearty 'welcome to the blog' to Anne O'Leary, the 127th Follower of the blog. Thanks for signing up Anne, and thanks of course to everyone else who has signed up. And a huge thanks to my main gaming buddy Rob, for if he had not started blogging, then I would not have been inspired to follow suit.

Looking back at my very first post almost 3 and half years ago, I can see that the blog has changed a little over time - probably featuring less tangential 'other stuff' than I had intended, and of course as I have transitioned from passionate fan to being involved behind the scenes that has had an impact on my hobby.

Well after Salute I am determined to get more Pulp City minis painted, and hopefully as many new games in as possible. I hope to demo SE at a local club and FLGS so watch this space. On the painting front: this week I have prepped the Primates of Power; Red Bella; and Slug Muldoon. A few others await prepping like 3 Terror Cotta Warriors; Green Emperor; Green Serpent; V.H. and Blacksmith. I also have a Grimm Elder and Night Fright and Leeech in the painting queue. I want to make sure I have painted 4-5 Pulp City minis by the end of May. Time to get cracking!

Monday, 22 April 2013

Heavy Metal

Click on image to embiggen
It has taken me quite a while to get around to posting my Team shot of Heavy Metal, so apologies for that.

Apologies too for the ropy picture, but trying to get that number of minis in focus around the Giant Hadron model was a pain, so this was the best I could manage. I got my new Pulp City at salute (20th April) so look forwards to new painted stuff appearing sooner or later.

Heavy Metal are the celebrities of Pulp City's Heroes; they are the ones that the city turns to in times of greatest need, lead by the mighty C.O.R.E.


  • Giant Hadron: Size changing Supreme.

(surrounding Giant Hadron counter-clockwise from the back left ):

  • Iron Train: Pulp City stalwart, this old-timer is every inch the blue-collar hero.
  • Chronin: Time-bending warrior.
  • Nuclear Jones: Nuclear powered cyborg, and Nuke's brother.
  • Lady Cyburn: Punk flame-throwing cyborg, currently assigned to Heavy Metal on probation due to past crimes.
  • C.O.R.E.: Possibly the most-intelligent being on earth; a sentient technological life-form able to adopt different battle forms to best fit the mission needs.
  • Mini Hadron: Size changing Supreme.
  • Captain Hadron: Size changing Supreme.
  • Dr. Mercury: Tragic hero reborn into a living metal body.
  • Androida: Super-fast artificial intelligence.

(front row)

  • Access Points: Remote support units (Minions).

Friday, 12 April 2013


A new welcome to the 'Pulp Citizen' post, this time going out to Captain LOL, author of two blogs: Bretonnian Knights and Figurine Passion. Both feature some lovely paint worth and are well worth a look.

Thanks to Captain LOL, and as always, to everyone who chooses to sign up - I do appreciate it.

On my own hobby front, well things have been over-shadowed buy the work we have been doing in the Open Beta phase; I recognize the need to get some minis painted up as soon as possible. To that end I have been working a bit on Night Fright and Leech and another Grimm Elder.

I have also picked up a suitable undercoat spray for my first Pulp Monster; expect something big, scaly and green in the next few months!

So thanks again guys, and hopefully there will be more new posts soon. First up, I hope to get a group shot of Heavy Metal done now that all the Hadrons and current available minis are painted.

Sunday, 7 April 2013

Anima Tactician (shameless plug)

A quick shameless plug for one of my other blogs: Anima Tactician.

Anima Tactician (link) is Anima Tactics-centric; therefore the content is all about my forays into that game and related topics.

Anima Tactics is a tabletop minis game, using a pretty low model count, and clearly influenced by Japanese console rpgs such as Final Fantasy, Suikoden, Breath of Fire et al.

So far I have painted 13 minis for the game (having kicked off my painting in earnest late last year), and I hope to get that to around 30-40 by the end of this year - eventually I would like to have at least one painted example of every mini in the range, just as  I have been trying to do for Pulp City (and currently I only have around 5 models to go to do that).

So please come across and check out the blog as I stumble through what is for me a fairly new hobby diversion.