
Friday 12 April 2013


A new welcome to the 'Pulp Citizen' post, this time going out to Captain LOL, author of two blogs: Bretonnian Knights and Figurine Passion. Both feature some lovely paint worth and are well worth a look.

Thanks to Captain LOL, and as always, to everyone who chooses to sign up - I do appreciate it.

On my own hobby front, well things have been over-shadowed buy the work we have been doing in the Open Beta phase; I recognize the need to get some minis painted up as soon as possible. To that end I have been working a bit on Night Fright and Leech and another Grimm Elder.

I have also picked up a suitable undercoat spray for my first Pulp Monster; expect something big, scaly and green in the next few months!

So thanks again guys, and hopefully there will be more new posts soon. First up, I hope to get a group shot of Heavy Metal done now that all the Hadrons and current available minis are painted.

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