
Monday 22 April 2013

Heavy Metal

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It has taken me quite a while to get around to posting my Team shot of Heavy Metal, so apologies for that.

Apologies too for the ropy picture, but trying to get that number of minis in focus around the Giant Hadron model was a pain, so this was the best I could manage. I got my new Pulp City at salute (20th April) so look forwards to new painted stuff appearing sooner or later.

Heavy Metal are the celebrities of Pulp City's Heroes; they are the ones that the city turns to in times of greatest need, lead by the mighty C.O.R.E.


  • Giant Hadron: Size changing Supreme.

(surrounding Giant Hadron counter-clockwise from the back left ):

  • Iron Train: Pulp City stalwart, this old-timer is every inch the blue-collar hero.
  • Chronin: Time-bending warrior.
  • Nuclear Jones: Nuclear powered cyborg, and Nuke's brother.
  • Lady Cyburn: Punk flame-throwing cyborg, currently assigned to Heavy Metal on probation due to past crimes.
  • C.O.R.E.: Possibly the most-intelligent being on earth; a sentient technological life-form able to adopt different battle forms to best fit the mission needs.
  • Mini Hadron: Size changing Supreme.
  • Captain Hadron: Size changing Supreme.
  • Dr. Mercury: Tragic hero reborn into a living metal body.
  • Androida: Super-fast artificial intelligence.

(front row)

  • Access Points: Remote support units (Minions).


  1. Nice looking core of hero's to choose from. Would they get fielded as a whole?

    1. They can be fielded as a Team (although the various iterations of Hadron are only a single character), and in the new SE edition they would be a Level 14 or 15 Team, which is quite sizable.

  2. These are fantastic. I'm new to your blog and just went over some of your past work and must say that I am impressed. I really like Father Oak and Acorn a lot.

    Also the Evil Toys post was great. I need those sculpts!

    1. Thanks Anne; the evil toys are something a friend painted up so i will find out where they are from. :)
