
Saturday 7 May 2011


Welcome to the Pulp Citizen's 60th Follower (I never thought I would be able to say/type that, BTW!) - Jacob Walker. A big thank you as ever to Jacob for taking the time to look in on the blog - very much appreciated. I imagine Jacob is a minis fan of eclectic tastes looking at his Followed blogs (something I do as it helps point me at blogs I may not have considered before).

There are some great blogs out there with some interesting stuff included, which always brings me to consider this one in wider context. For example, for a blog pretty much focused on one specific game and minis range, by far the most popular feature/posts are those for paper craft terrain. On the minis front, one stands head and shoulders above the others for page views (Chimp Chi; although Avatar Of The Jaguar has been very popular in the past week or so, and there has been sudden rising interest in Stoner Hawk as well). Stuff I find interesting I guess.

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