It snowed last year too: I made a snowman and my brother knocked it down and I knocked my brother down and then we had tea - Dylan Thomas
My main gaming buddy (Rob) has been engaging in his 'Christmas Madness' since last year, posting all sorts of festive period Christmas-themed bloggery. That has led to this game really, no doubt - we were talking and a Christmas themed game of
Pulp City seemed the only appropriate course of action! Rob's version of events can be seen
here - basically our latest 'crossover' to use comic book parlance!
The streets of
Pulp City can be wild at times, and this Christmas is no exception.
Following the nefarious intervention of the
Mysterious Man, Santa Claus has become divided:
Good Santa retains the spirit of Christmas, bringing joy to to the world and children everywhere, venturing forth from his North Pole base once again, laden with his sack brimming with elf-made toys.
Bad Santa however just wants to spoil Christmas, to bring misery and fear to all from his lair in the South Pole, his sack full of all the rotten things that ruin lives.
Both Santas have learned that the fabled
Snowman's Hat has landed in
Pulp City; whomever can claim the prize will determine if the year ahead will be a time of Christmas cheer or festive fear.
Good Santa gathers Heroes (my Team) from across Pulp City:
Kitty Cheshire, Iron Train, a mysterious street fighter in red from Little Asia, and Vigilantes:
Bad Santa gathers allies (Rob's Team) from the Villains of Pulp City:
Sanguine & Draku, Guerilla, Francis Gator, Evil Toys and Evil Snowmen:

The Villains move quickly;
Sanguine dashes forth with vampiric celerity to try to seize the
Snowman's Hat. The Heroes are surprised by his sheer inhuman speed. Can they respond in time?

Heroes advance; A
Vigilante faces
Sanguine while
Evil Toys and
Evil Snowmen purchased from the
Mysterious Man also enter the festive fray.
As more Supremes gather to battle for the spirit of Christmas,
Kitty Cheshire blinks through a stationary vehicle - its startled driver shocked to see her fade through his car. She eventually uses her Walk The Otherside ability to bring Sanguine within range of her allies, although she is soon taken down for her valiant, if crazy, efforts:
Good Santa advances under the aegis of
Iron Train, the
Heavy Metal Hero acting as a barricade:
Sanguine is outnumbered by
Iron Train, a Vigilante and the mysterious street fighter in red from Little Asia; against these odds he can but fall:

Sanguine's defeat,
Bad Santa tries to step up to achieve his fiendish goal, aided by
Evil Toys and Evil Snowmen. They too soon succumb to the Heroes might - their good hearts filled with festive cheer!
Iron Train, the Vigilantes (Santas Helpers) and the mysterious street fighter in red from Little Asia battle unrelentlingly to save the spirit of Christmas:

Even Guerilla's minigun proves no match for the steadfast resilience of Iron Train - the good will out:

And in the end, the cheer you take is the cheer you make;
Good Santa rescues the
Snowman's Hat and good cheer is spread through all of Pulp City's boroughs and throughout the world:

Good is triumphant, but will
Bad Santa return, to try and spoil Christmas in another year...?
Merry Christmas!