There are other products out there that do a similar job, including some freeware such as Comic Book Creator.
Having tried Comic Book Creator, I found it a little restricted and slow for my liking. Comic Life hit the spot in many ways with simple manipulations such as zooming images so that only the part of a picture you want is in the frame, as well as a wide array of manipulable page layouts. Add in font effects, speech/thought bubbles, and so forth and a nice basic package is available. I sometimes do some 'post-production' in GiMP or Photoshop, which is easy enough once you have exported your image to an appropriate format such as JPEG. Overall it is a pretty accessible package that has a number of helpful features for making this style of report.
I rather quite enjoy using Comic Life to present my Battle Reports; there are times I have had stop and scrap a page here or there simply because I started on the wrong flow of selected pictures, but even human errors like that have rarely slowed me up much. As I become more and more familiar with Comic Life I find it usually takes less than 2 hours to finish up a 4-8 page Battle Report. I would recommend spending a little extra for the deluxe version since it adds a lot more options.
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